Support Pipelines Podcasts with David Hermanson Guest: Nick Gemmell

Support Pipelines Podcasts with David Hermanson Guest: Nick Gemmell

Support Pipelines Podcasts with David Hermanson Guest: Nick Gemmell

Connecting Supporters of the Energy Industry In this conversation, David and Nick discuss their personal journeys and experiences in the pipeline industry. They touch on topics such as mental health, personal growth, and the importance of building a supportive network. They also talk about the challenges and opportunities in the industry, including the transition to green energy. Building a supportive network is crucial in the pipeline industry and in life in general. Mental health is an important topic that needs more attention and support. The industry is facing challenges, but there are also opportunities for growth and innovation. Positivity, resilience, and purpose are key factors in personal and professional success. The transition to green energy presents new possibilities for the industry. Social media can be a powerful tool for networking and sharing experiences. It's important to prioritize physical and mental well-being in order to thrive in the industry. #pipelineindustry #mentalhealth #health #personalgrowth #growth #supportivenetwork #challenges #opportunities #green energy #positivity #resilience #purpose

1 comment

  • Dave Sr

    Thanks Nick and David for sharing good thoughts on life and industry.

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